Friday, March 11, 2011

Making Deodorant

I have not bought deodorant in almost a year and my armpits have never been happier! Now, there are times where I wear nothing at all, but some days it is a necessity to put something under these arms...LOL! On these days, I have simply been putting aluminum free baking powder, under my arms. I simply put the baking soda in my fingers, add a bit of water to make it a paste and wipe it on to my under arms. Though this is very effective, it would be nice to have something already made and quicker to apply.

The other day, this was posted on Facebook, by a lady on my list. It seems so simple to make and I already have all I need to make it. I do have another recipe for homemade deodorant, but this one was right in my face and I figured I would give it a try first. I am really hoping it turns out well and it is something I will make again and again...but if not, there are always other recipes :)

I will be sure to post pictures, as soon as I am finished making this and have tried it out. Wish me luck!!

P.S. This also gives me a use for a little tin I got from some hot chocolate, that was given to me as a gift. It is the perfect size and shape.


The Youngs!!! said...

ooopppss sorry didnt see this post when i posted my other comment.. :)

Anonymous said...

great! have you ever tried using the crystals?